for Parshat B'Shalach
Egypt chases Israel down at the Sea
and the people are terrified.
God rescues the people
at the miraculous Sea
and then they believed in HaShem
and in Moses, his servant.
So they sing of the salvation that God has brought
and of the salvation to come:
of God conquering the Land
of God settling the people in the Land
of establishing God’s Temple.
These people have seen the Hand of God.
They have moved from fear into faith.
They know that good will come.
In the Desert
in their thirst for water
in their hunger for meat
in their fear of the kingdoms of the Land
the people doubt.
In their doubt,
nearly no one of that generation
who has passed through the Sea
may enter the Land.
Can you come through the long journey
of days
of years
of thirst and heat
of the long trek
and remember to not forget
what you once learned,
what you once knew?
That is a great challenge of faith.
Shabbat Shalom,
Please pray for Yechiel ben Michal