is eating? i Moses says: You must
remember the Manna that God fed you— the mystical grain that descended upon
the Camp, upon the dew, in the Desert— to
teach you that Man does not live by bread alone: for
by that which comes from God’s mouth shall Man live. * And Moses says: When
HaShem will bring you to the Land—a Land of wheat, a land where you will eat...bread easily—you will eat and you will be satisfied and
you shall bless HaShem your God for the good Land which He has given you. ii You live
by that which comes from God’s mouth You
live by something like God’s speech. And after you eat, you
shall bless HaShem. You utter back to that speech. So sustenance is a dialogue with God. iii The Manna that God spoke descends upon the ground. The wheat grows from the Land. You bless HaShem for
the good Land. The subject of that dialogue is the Land, the earth—the
worldly place where we gather food. * If we remember,
we make our worldly place into this place of conversation with God. ___________ Shabbat shalom, Abe ___________ (Note—In some places the translations to the verses here are not
exact and / or have been woven together from multiple places within the Torah.) If you enjoyed this thought, please share it with a friend. Please continue to pray for Ahuvah Rachel bat Orah, and for Rachel
Tovah bat Yehudit Esther.