The rest of the year we eat leavened or unleavened bread but tonight we eat only matzah. The rest of the year we eat all kinds of vegetables but tonight we eat only bitter herbs. The rest of the year there is plenty but tonight there is not plenty.
But there is also extravagance. The rest of the year we do not dip food even once but tonight we dip food twice. The rest of the year we sit up straight or recline but tonight we are instructed to recline.
Later in the seder, we will mention that our fathers were once idolatrous; now we worship God. Later in the seder we
will also prove, through words and numbers, that though it seems as if
God wrought only ten miracles in Egypt and at the Sea, He in truth
performed hundreds of miracles in Egypt and at the Sea.
There is potential on this earth that is far beyond what
you know. God is not limited and nor is your ability to rise to Him.
When freedom comes we discover all of this.