for Parshat Korach
The rebels demand
that Moses let everyone be priests
(for all the people are holy).
Moses says:
Let all the rebels come
each man
bringing a pan of incense to God.
See if He will accept your sacrifice.
But God does not accept their sacrifice.
God punishes them.
God says:
let the leader of each tribe
bring his wooden pole,
set it before Me.
Only Aaron the high priest's pole
flowers forth like a tree.
Then the people know
that the priests alone should be priests,
The rebels think everyone is the same.
And Moses treats the rebels as all alike,
telling them
to bring identical sacrifices of incense.
This does not convince the people.
God has each Tribe approach
with its own pole,
its own symbol,
and this convinces the people.
The moral of the story
is that if we are all made the same
everyone alike
we and God cannot be together.
Only when we are with God
as what makes us special in the community
as who we uniquely are
can we and God be together.
Shabbat Shalom,
Inspired by Rav Yair Kahn's reading of Parshat Korach