It is not until all the parts are finished that God sets a date for the erecting of His house. The building is to happen [o]n the first day of the first month.
Typically, in building projects, a date is set first. Then the building begins.
Here, the deadline comes close to last.
We are human. The only thing we know for certain of our future is that time will pass. Everything else is a question.
And so of course time must be the framework around which we lay our plans.
And so human projects begin with a deadline.
And so also: history from the human view looks like just so many accidents that fill time up.
Time is different for God. For God, time is simply a vessel in which to place the story that He wishes to tell.
Because there is no uncertainty for Him. Everything God wants to happen, happens.
God's deadlines do not have a human meaning. Time is not a framework
for God. What God wishes to happen is the framework for God.
Building the House of God, we enter the time-view of God.
We make God's projects before the deadline enters into the picture.
We fill time up with His crafts.