(for Parshat VaYeitzeh)
Jacob loves Rachel.
He asks her father Lavan
to shepherd Lavan’s flocks
in exchange for Rachel’s hand.
And Jacob shepherds for Lavan for twenty years,
day and night.
(And the name Rachel means sheep.)
Jacob’s sons describe the family thus:
we are shepherds
as our fathers were.
This family holds no divide
between shepherding and marriage
between shepherding and lineage
between work and family.
Jacob’s children become slaves in Egypt.
When God frees Jacob’s children, He says:
Gather in your homes with your families
to a feast of lamb;
place lamb’s blood on your doorposts
so you, inside, will not be engulfed
by the havoc I bring on Egypt.
So lamb—shepherding—
becomes the divide
between family and Egypt
between slave-master and home.
At first the family
is only another realm for work.
But leaving Egypt,
our calling,
our work,
becomes the food we feed our families
becomes the substance that protects our home.
Work exists
so the family can be.
It is in this reversal
that freedom comes.
Shabbat Shalom,